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» too young, too dumb
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyAyer a las 11:22 am por darkbrowneyes

» —Hot clown shit
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyJue 20 Jun 2024, 7:38 pm por Jigsaw

» pink pony club.
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyJue 20 Jun 2024, 1:02 pm por lantsov

» corazón valiente
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 11:01 pm por Jaeger.

» la la land
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 9:44 pm por Jaeger.

» witches of own
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyVie 14 Jun 2024, 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyJue 13 Jun 2024, 8:29 am por MickyEche

» pink + white
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyMiér 12 Jun 2024, 5:09 am por indigo.

» air nation
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 8:24 pm por hange.


00 . 01 Anuncios del mes febrero.
00 . 02 Actualización del PROTOCOLO, nueva medida obligatoria de avatares.
00 . 03 Remodelación del foro febrero del 2017.
00 . 00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Rumplestiltskin. ϟ Jenn.
miembros del staff
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ϟ ceonella.
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Equipo de Ayuda
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aka Ems.
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ϟ Kurisu
aka Teph.
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ϟ Calore
aka idk.
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Equipo de Eventos
ϟ ego.
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aka Gina.
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ϟ mieczyslaw
aka Alec.
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Equipo de Tutoriales
ϟ Kida.
aka Ally.
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ϟ Spencer.
aka Angy.
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Equipo de Diseño
ϟ bxmbshell.
aka Mile.
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ϟ yoongi.
aka Valu.
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Skin hecho por Hardrock de Captain Knows Best. Personalización del skin por Insxne.

Gráficos por y codes hechos por Kaffei e Insxne.

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:39 pm

kashitaro_ito: I didn't get to lie~!! If you don't lie, something good will happen for sure!!
_amatsuki_: Your existence is a lie.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:43 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 4222964207


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:48 pm

Malena Miranda
Malena Miranda
Y puta señal
"El aspecto del hombre por delante era mucho más aterrador que por detras" por q tenia pene? Fijate q usualmente suelen tenerlo. A menos q seas el tipo de 21 jump street q le cortaron el pene de un disparo y en 22 jump street tiene una vagina y una puta en la carcel

Nova Moretti
Nova Moretti
jajajajajajaja o tipo the boss que se corto las bolas

Malena Miranda
Malena Miranda
Ves. Siempre hay alguien sin bolas. Ese q se sienta cerca tuyo en clase y es rarito y sentís q en cualquier momento los va a matar a todos? A ese lo castraron, tiene una vagina y busca venganza

Nova Moretti
Nova Moretti
vos decis mafu?
o yukiri?

Malena Miranda
Malena Miranda

Nova Moretti
Nova Moretti
meh, ambos no tienen bolas

Malena Miranda
Malena Miranda
Banca q me tente


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:56 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:58 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:59 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:05 pm

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lástima que sea gay
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 4222964207


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:19 pm

Algún día voy a obligar a Lena a hacer un cosplay de Matryoshka y yo voy a ser GUMI, obsly, ni en pedo soy Miku. También voy a usarlo de excusa para hacerme un piercing en el labio, de paso.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:32 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 2632422674


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:33 pm

La única razón por la que me descargué el cover de Soraru de unravel es pq suena como chica al comienzo.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:34 pm

De unravel sólo tengo el cover de Soraru y el de kradness que en realidad es un remix. No me gusta la canción :nolike:


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:48 pm

Mi beio avy de Gumi hecho por Conny The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 1477071114


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 6:50 pm


Posta, me sé justamente todas las partes especialmente pervertidas, y ni hablar del estribillo, me lo debo saber de memoria.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 7:21 pm

Como que acabo de ver las descripciones de cómo serían los niños (YA SÉ QUE SON ADULTOS PERO VIVÍ TODO EL JUEGO DICIÉNDOLE KIDS Y ASÍ VA A QUEDAR BUENO) y mierrrrrrrda mataría por ver las imágenes oficiales.
Opiniones que nadie va a leer:


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 17 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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