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Atte: Staff OnlyWns.

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Atte: Staff OnlyWns.
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Últimos temas
» witches of own
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyAyer a las 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyJue 13 Jun 2024, 8:29 am por MickyEche

» pink + white
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyMiér 12 Jun 2024, 5:09 am por indigo.

» air nation
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 8:24 pm por hange.

» Live In Orange
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 12:30 pm por ~Susie ∞Wallflower∞

» Our colors are grey and blue
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 12:15 am por Jaeger.

» memories
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyDom 09 Jun 2024, 10:00 pm por hange.

» dancing in the moonlight
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptyDom 09 Jun 2024, 7:34 pm por Jaeger.

» trainwreck
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 EmptySáb 08 Jun 2024, 5:25 pm por Jaeger.


00 . 01 Anuncios del mes febrero.
00 . 02 Actualización del PROTOCOLO, nueva medida obligatoria de avatares.
00 . 03 Remodelación del foro febrero del 2017.
00 . 00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Rumplestiltskin. ϟ Jenn.
miembros del staff
Beta readers
ϟ hypatia.
aka Kate.
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aka Lea.
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ϟ youngjae
aka .
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ϟ Stark.
aka Cande.
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Equipo de Baneo
ϟ Ariel.
aka Dani.
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ϟ ceonella.
aka Cami.
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Equipo de Ayuda
ϟ Ritza.
aka Ems.
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ϟ Charlie.
aka idk.
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Equipo de Limpieza
ϟ Legendary.
aka Steph.
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ϟ chihiro
aka Zoe.
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ϟ Kurisu
aka Teph.
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ϟ Calore
aka idk.
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Equipo de Eventos
ϟ ego.
aka Kalgh/Charlie.
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ϟ Asclepio.
aka Gina.
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ϟ mieczyslaw
aka Alec.
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Equipo de Tutoriales
ϟ Kida.
aka Ally.
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ϟ Spencer.
aka Angy.
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Equipo de Diseño
ϟ bxmbshell.
aka Mile.
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ϟ yoongi.
aka Valu.
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Skin hecho por Hardrock de Captain Knows Best. Personalización del skin por Insxne.

Gráficos por y codes hechos por Kaffei e Insxne.

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:22 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:25 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:30 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:30 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:30 pm

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:51 pm

"Por qué publica eso si nadie entiende de qué habla" bue lo siento por no pensar en vos, reina, diosa todopoderosa que maneja el foro y el contenido en él


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:53 pm

"No te pongas ese desodorante, es de tu papá" tengo paja de ir arriba a buscar el mío, no es como si el género para el cual está dirigido cambia el hecho de que es un desodorante y sirve para evitar tener olor a chivo, además de que huele rico c:


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:54 pm

Ni sé pq puse eso, capaz para caretear que huelo rico, mmmm tal vez


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 4:56 pm

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#HINANAMI #KomaHina #bAsta


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:04 pm

Por un momento creí que Root Five me seguía en tw.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:05 pm

Después vi que era una cuenta fan y quise meter la cara en la sopa de mi hermano.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:15 pm

Mi-chan es una cosita bonita con cara de nena, no saben cuánto lo amo, y ni siquiera soy tan fan de ROOTFIVE.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:16 pm

Tampoco soy su fan como utaite, no debo tener muchas canciones de él en mi celular. Es tipo Gero y koma'n, los amo aunque ni sea tan fan.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:21 pm

Soraru: whenever i look at magazines that has utaite-san appear in it, Mi-chan's the one who is overwhelmingly photogenic


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Mar 27 Ene 2015, 5:35 pm

este es ito kashitaro:
este también es ito kashitaro:

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 233978492


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 16 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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