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» —Hot clown shit
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyHoy a las 12:50 pm por Jigsaw

» too young, too dumb
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptySáb 22 Jun 2024, 11:22 am por darkbrowneyes

» pink pony club.
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyJue 20 Jun 2024, 1:02 pm por lantsov

» corazón valiente
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 11:01 pm por Jaeger.

» la la land
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 9:44 pm por Jaeger.

» witches of own
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyVie 14 Jun 2024, 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyJue 13 Jun 2024, 8:29 am por MickyEche

» pink + white
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyMiér 12 Jun 2024, 5:09 am por indigo.

» air nation
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 8:24 pm por hange.


00 . 01 Anuncios del mes febrero.
00 . 02 Actualización del PROTOCOLO, nueva medida obligatoria de avatares.
00 . 03 Remodelación del foro febrero del 2017.
00 . 00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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miembros del staff
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aka idk.
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aka Mile.
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aka Valu.
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Skin hecho por Hardrock de Captain Knows Best. Personalización del skin por Insxne.

Gráficos por y codes hechos por Kaffei e Insxne.

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:34 am

Por qué son tan gaaaaaaaaays.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:34 am

Lo crean o no yo nunca escribí smut The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111 ni hetero ni gay, prefiero escribir chan y agregarle humor negro The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111 The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111 The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111 The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:41 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:42 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:44 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:47 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:49 am

when ur mom comes into ur room and u have to pretend that u are studying quick
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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:55 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 10:57 am

Yo no creo en el destino y tampoco en el "no hay honor en el camino" de Tyler. No es como si se relacionaran pero igual no creo en ninguno.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:01 am

El destino me parece simplemente estúpido y una excusa que usa la gente que no quiere admitir sus errores.
"Tal vez no éramos el uno para el otro" "El destino lo decidió así" nop, ustedes no se gustan y ya, y que alguien mande a la mierda al otro por deo, sé que quieren.
"Si no la puso a ella en mi vida será porque no era mi destino" nop, eso fue pq sos un pelotudo y cobarde que no puede hablarle y espera que alguien más la ponga frente a vos.
"Todos estamos destinados a tener una pareja. Asi dice el hilo rojo del destino" oka pero eso ya es supertición y no jodas, hay gente que no se enamora, ¿sabías? sólo pq las películas y novelas hagan ver que todos tenemos un único amor de la vida no significa que sea así plz
Y no se me ocurren más ejemplos ahora pero es así, me parecen todas excusas The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 3010297061


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:03 am

Lo de "no hay honor en el camino" es parte cierto y parte no. Oka, hiciste de todo, te divertiste, la pasaste bien, hiciste algo bueno y productivo, pero si no podes obtener resultados no sirve de nada. También si lograste algo y no disfrutaste asiéndolo. No sé, no me parece "bien". Si quiero hacer algo voy a dar todo lo que tengo en eso, y divertirme, pq si hago algo que no me gusta no me importa si salvo a los pinguinos del mudo y evito una invasión nuclear extraterrestre, me va a parecer un desperdicio de tiempo.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:05 am

"Si quiero hacer algo voy a dar todo lo que tengo en eso" lo dice la chica que dejó danza jazz, guitarra, arte, coro, natación y baile The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 971829111


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:05 am

Oka, pero pensaba en lo de ser youtuber cuando puse eso The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 3010297061


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:09 am

No sé si bailar LUVORATORRRRRRRY!, Gigantic O.T.N o Delilah Mambo para fin de año The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 3232760151


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 11:10 am

Pq sí, ya lo estoy planeando y faltan diez meses para tener que presentar el baile, y ni sé si es en solitario o grupal The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 1620280664


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 41 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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