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Últimos temas
» —Hot clown shit
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyAyer a las 8:25 pm por Jigsaw

» too young, too dumb
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptySáb 22 Jun 2024, 11:22 am por darkbrowneyes

» pink pony club.
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyJue 20 Jun 2024, 1:02 pm por lantsov

» corazón valiente
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 11:01 pm por Jaeger.

» la la land
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 9:44 pm por Jaeger.

» witches of own
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyVie 14 Jun 2024, 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyJue 13 Jun 2024, 8:29 am por MickyEche

» pink + white
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyMiér 12 Jun 2024, 5:09 am por indigo.

» air nation
The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 8:24 pm por hange.


00 . 01 Anuncios del mes febrero.
00 . 02 Actualización del PROTOCOLO, nueva medida obligatoria de avatares.
00 . 03 Remodelación del foro febrero del 2017.
00 . 00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Rumplestiltskin. ϟ Jenn.
miembros del staff
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aka Kate.
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aka Lea.
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Equipo de Baneo
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ϟ Calore
aka idk.
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Equipo de Eventos
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aka Ally.
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Equipo de Diseño
ϟ bxmbshell.
aka Mile.
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ϟ yoongi.
aka Valu.
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Skin hecho por Hardrock de Captain Knows Best. Personalización del skin por Insxne.

Gráficos por y codes hechos por Kaffei e Insxne.

The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:01 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:05 am

Fan: D.O. You are so damn cute I Could die already!!! T^T
Kyungsoo: May you rest in peace.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:06 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:08 am

Como que tengo el re conflicto interno sobre si amar más a Jin o a Suga y ni soy fan de BTS tbh


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:14 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 6:37 am

Me puse a leer el primer manga que encontré y mierda, mierrrrrrrrda, mierdamierdamierdamierda. Nuze pq digo tanta mierda, ni que fuera Dan. ahr. no. pero re copado el manga, siempre que lo leo quiero dejarlo pero hay algo que me hace leerlo y... nuze. es que todos son tan tuims e hdp y pobre prota, aunque se lo merece, aunque no, y este manga es de lo más raro ni sé pq lo leo buemo


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:32 am

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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:37 am

bbomb: [leaves block b]
[a year passes]
block b: ‘u kno i havent seen bbomb around lately’

TOTALLY ACCURATE The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 971829111


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:44 am

when myungsoo got the least votes
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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:53 am

Recién me entero que tengo una canción de GOT7 en mi celular. Ni sabía que A era de ellos.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:57 am

En realidad GOT7 me gusta, espero ver más de ellos~


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 7:58 am



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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 8:00 am

Cuatro días después de mi cumpleaños. La vida es hermosa.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 04 Feb 2015, 8:07 am

2034 mama awards. bigbang perform Fantastic Baby for the 23rd consecutive row. GD brings his wife onto the stage as she goes into labour. The baby arrives wearing a crown and a YG tshirt. He has become the fantastic baby. All VIPs bow down to worship their lord and saviour.


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The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way - Página 39 Empty Re: The even slower murderer with the awesomely efficient weapon that he uses in the most inefficient way

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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