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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 EmptyHoy a las 2:18 am por greywaren

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 EmptyVie 28 Jun 2024, 11:50 am por Jaeger.

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this is real. okey?

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:12 am

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look her. SHE'S MY IDOL

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:12 am

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SHASTEM TE ENVIDIO EU :C ah. a selala un poco tmbn, pero más a vos shastem

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:20 am

tumblr. escribió:Why I think people hate on Selena Gomez.
Selena is the It Girl. She doesn’t seem to do anything wrong(most of the time). Guys love her. She’s talented. She’s beautiful. There isn’t a director, actor, singer, interviewer, journalist or dancer that hasn’t fallen in love with her(for the most part anyways). She has an amazing reputation. She’s sweet and bubbly. She really doesn’t say or do anything mean most of the time. She’s private. She doesn’t really share much with the public. All in all she has the (almost) perfect image in Hollywood. People look up to her. Moms approve of her. She has such an innocent vibe but also a sex appeal as well. She doesn’t go over board with anything really. She has a great fashion sense(also most of the time). She’s actually smart as hell and an amazing business women/actress/singer/entertainer. She has the guy everyone wants without even trying. But you’re wondering so why do people hate on her then? Well simply because we live in an imperfect world filled with jealousy, hate, and spite. Selena doesn’t seem to have any of that grimyness that the rest of the entertainment industry has now. In fact she represents none of that. She seems so pure compared to other entertainers in a way. She’s attempting to grow up tho and she does make mistakes and she does have imperfections but people don’t look at it that way. They look at it as ha she’s not so good now is she. That’s why the second she slips or makes a mistake, people are so quick to jump on her and hate. She seems so perfect and people will do anything to pick out other people’s imperfections. They forget that she isn’t perfect she just tries to be the best she can be. She doesn’t like the attention the media gives her. People come up with the stupidest shit to pick on her for because that’s all they got. “Fame whore” “slut” “whore” “ugly” “untalented” “user”. Words like that fucking hurt. She actually isn’t any of those things and that pisses you all off to the core. So yeah that’s why I believe people hate on Selena.

Well, ahí tienen las verdaderas razones del porque odian a Selena Gomez.

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:25 am

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:25 am

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:25 am

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 10:27 am

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 2:03 pm

en un ratito voy a la nutricionista, deseenme suerte!

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 8:56 pm

que linda canción loco!

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Mensaje por Julianne. Jue 13 Mar 2014, 9:19 pm

La palabra ''macho''... ay ay. ''Macho'' ¿qué es ''macho''? ¿Un gay es ''macho''? ¿O no lo es por tener otro gusto? ¿''Macho'' es tener sexo con minas, o ser valiente, caballero? ¿Qué es ''macho''? ¿Es algo machista?


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Mensaje por rutherford. Vie 14 Mar 2014, 12:39 pm

Juliana, tu firma; Juliana, tu avvy. ¿Me quieres matar? ;-; <33333 ahque, te amo.

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Vie 14 Mar 2014, 2:57 pm

Gene. escribió:
Juliana, tu firma; Juliana, tu avvy. ¿Me quieres matar? ;-; <33333 ahque, te amo.

I KNOW!!!!!!!!! JELENA RULZ<3333 jdfhdjkhfdsk te amo más<3

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Mensaje por Julianne. Sáb 15 Mar 2014, 10:29 am

dibujando y pitando / volviendo a mi lindo y aburrido pasado (???

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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Dom 16 Mar 2014, 2:50 pm


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this is real. okey?  - Página 17 Empty Re: this is real. okey?

Mensaje por Julianne. Dom 16 Mar 2014, 2:51 pm

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Contenido patrocinado

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