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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Miér 14 Ago 2013, 3:04 pm

No quiero que Fifth Harmony se vuelva moda :c
ahora todas las aman y no ._. Lauren is my girl crush, déjenla :c

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Mensaje por believe. Miér 14 Ago 2013, 3:10 pm

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so much memories (':

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Jue 15 Ago 2013, 2:16 am

I think that it's important to remember that intelligence and confidence are two of the most beautiful attributes a person can have. But its very important to also remember that compassion, generosity, and humility are their counterparts, and without them intelligence and confidence simply become arrogance.

Be confident. Confidence isn't something to be afraid of, it's something you need to embrace. You need to learn to love yourself and be confident in who you are before you can love others completely and before others can love you completely.

This is something that I've struggled with my whole life and especially now struggle with daily and it's gotten to a point where being self-conscious and so hard on myself all the time emanates from me and I come across as upset or serious or sad or rude or arrogant when honestly none of the above are remotely close to who I really am. I've recently taken a serious interest in reinventing and rediscovering myself and loving myself for who I am. Changing the negative things that I'm able to change and learning to accept and love the flaws that I can't.

Be compassionate. Look at things from other people's perspectives, situations, cultures. This world is so vast and everyone is so different. What you many know, another person may not. What you have never experienced (self-harm, self-loathing, family issues) they may suffer from that very thing everyday. Remember that you never truly know a person until you've had many full and deep conversations with them, don't judge so quickly and leave room for love with each person you meet.

Be intelligent. Being intelligent and opening your mind and accepting others for who they are and what they believe and allowing yourself to grow from that is something that is so incredibly important and beautiful. I think people mistake intelligence for always being right (as I do myself sometimes) but its so much more than that. One of my favorite things to do is pick up a book and read about something that I have no knowledge of. To take that knowledge and apply it to everything I do. It's so important for you to want to learn and want to grow and want to open your mind and see the world from other people's eyes, not just your own. It's also good to have opinions and be strong about them because as cliche as the saying is, it's 100% true.
"If you stand for nothing you fall for anything."

Be humble. Being humble and recognizing the fact that you are human, that you're opinion isn't always going to be correct and admitting that you're wrong, embracing your imperfection and allowing that to show is such a beautiful and admirable thing. Be smart and confident, but never let that become arrogance.

And last but certainly not least:

Be generous. Giving. Realizing that you're not the only thing in this world and that you are so fortunate. Giving to those in need in any way you can, whether it be a smile, or a dollar, or a meal, or sacrificing your time to help out a friend or your weekend to feed the homeless or whatever your heart tells you to do. And doing it not for the glory of other people knowing you did a good thing, but for the satisfaction of knowing that you helped make a difference in someone's day or life, no matter how insignificant it may seem. No act is small. No act of generosity goes unnoticed.

Be confident. Be compassionate. Be intelligent. Be humble. Be generous. The universe returns to you what you put out.

I'm learning this all myself right now and I feel like I'm not the only one in the world that struggles with everything I just mentioned. I used to use tumblr as my diary so today I wanna share with my future self and with you all my current inner thoughts and rules that I'm trying to live by. And I say trying because I'm not perfect, I'm human and I make mistakes and I have moments where all of what I just mentioned seems irrelevant and all I wanna do is feel sorry for myself but I've recently made the decision to try harder. Because inner happiness is worth it. Being a positive influence and person is worth it. And it's about time for a change.

I hope this helps you if you needed to hear something like this. Because God knows that I would've loved to have come across something like it a few years ago.

I love you.
Simple, tiene toda la razón. En serio, agradezco tanto haberla conocido y tenerla como una de mis ídolas. I love you too, Lauren ♥

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Mensaje por believe. Lun 19 Ago 2013, 10:37 pm

2 ciclo en la universidad y aún me sigo preguntando como el tiempo pasó tan rápido :c

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Mensaje por believe. Mar 20 Ago 2013, 9:32 pm

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Primero que nada, sé que no leerás esto, bc no stalkeas mi tema y bc ya te vas del foro, pero igual quería ponerlo porque eres mi mejor amiga y necesitaba desahogarme y escribiendo es la única manera que tengo de decir lo que pienso :c

Me acuerdo que entré al foro y no tenía idea de qué rayos hacía, hasta que encontré tu novela. Breakeven {thebestnovelinthisfuckingworld}, era de Harry y comencé a leerla, por curiosidad. Siempre leí cada capítulo y pensaba "wow, en la vida lograré escribir tan perfecto como esa chica". No te conocía y te admiraba, weona, bc escribes hermoso, perfecto y te lo he repetido miles de veces pero es que es cierto. Bueno, el 27 de mayo me mandaste el primer mp y así comenzamos a hablar, Breakeven terminó su II temporada y ya para ese entonces no podía vivir sin un mp tuyo. Es que, idk, te convertiste en mi mejor amiga y es raro, bc no suelo confiar en alguien tan rápido y me acuerdo que no pasó ni un mes y ya te contaba de mi vida y tú de la tuya. Así hasta ahora, ya estamos agosto del 2013 y seguimos hablándonos y en serio que te he contado cosas que no le contado a nadie más, hemos hablado y reído, llorado, peleado, inventado ships y todo y gracias a ti shipeo Hendall y Helissa & eso. Me acuerdo cuando me dijiste que te ibas, me quedé en shock, la verdad, no dije nada porque supuse que tú le dirías a todas las chicas y para cuando me di cuenta te habías salido de las nc's y dejado tus hermosos pj's. Idk, mentiría si dijera que estoy bien porque no lo estoy, y te lo repito no es tu culpa y te amo y siempre querré lo mejor para ti, y sé que eso es que tengas que dejar el foro así que voy a apoyarte siempre, recuérdalo. Pero igual duele, duele entrar al foro y no ver un mp tuyo, duele que ya no estés en ninguna nc, ni verte comentando en algún tema o algo. Así nos hablemos todos los días por fb el foro ya no va a ser lo mismo sin ti, lo sé, todas lo saben, bc eres una maravillosa persona, weona, y aquí tienes a muchas personas que te aman y que te van a extrañar como mierda, al igual que yo. Pero las cosas pasan por algo, ¿no? Y además sé que no nos dejaremos de hablar ni nada, que siempre contaré contigo y tú conmigo cuando sea, siempre estaré ahí para ti, pero quiero que sepas que te extrañaré, MUCHO, DEMASIADO, y que te amo como no tienes idea. Si vuelves o no al foro será tu decisión, y te voy a apoyar en lo que decidas. Eres la mejor amiga del mundo, lo sabes, ¿cierto? ily so much<3


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Mensaje por believe. Mar 20 Ago 2013, 9:34 pm

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they're perfect.

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Mensaje por believe. Mar 20 Ago 2013, 9:42 pm

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My best friend, best friend til the very end
Cause best friends, best friends don’t have to pretend
You need a hand, and i’m right there right beside you
You in the dark, i’ll be the bright light to guide you
‘Member the times, times, times sneaking of the house
All of the times, times, times that you had the doubts
And don’t forget all the trouble we got into
We got something you can’t undo, do

Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad’s new car
All the scars we share
I Promise, I swear

Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we’ll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you

I know I drive you crazy, sometimes
I know I called you lazy, and that’s most times
But you complete me, and that’s no lie
You are my tuxedo, and i’m your roatar
We in the car, sing, sing, singing our song
Rocking the building, tear it down, like we king kong
And in my eyes, you can’t do, do no wrong
You got the best friends sing, sing along

Laughing so damn hard
Crashed your dad’s new car
All the scars we share
I Promise, I swear

Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we’ll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you

I’ll never let you go
Woah, this is my oath to you
Just thought that you should know
Woah, this is my oath to you

Wherever you go, just always remember
That you got a home for now and forever
And if you get low, just call me whenever
This is my oath to you
Wherever you go, just always remember
You never alone, we born to the better
And we’ll never change, no matter the weather
This is my oath to you

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Mar 20 Ago 2013, 9:43 pm

Oficialmente AMO los lunes <3 asjdhf sí, ódienme, mírenme raro o whatever (? pero los lunes solo tengo clases de 6 a 8pm y es filosofía y amo ese curso y mi profesor tiene acento español y idk, amo esos días xd

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Mensaje por believe. Dom 25 Ago 2013, 7:35 pm

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admiren su perfección, pero no lo toquen, es MIO.

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 12:05 am

Iré a la premiere de This is Us mañana con mi bff y soy feliz ((':

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 12:07 am

Debería estar leyendo para mi clase de filosofía ._. y en vez de eso estoy viendo lemonade mouth como por 127365 vez mientras veo tumblr :meh: tengo el presentimiento que voy a reprobar el examen del miércoles, ah aksjdf

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 12:19 am

"y sonríe, Yaz, alégrate, no eres del tipo de chica que merezca sentirse mal por algo"

definitivamente amo a mi mejor amigo c:

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 12:21 am

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amo esa película.

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Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 11:14 am

son perfectas, bye.

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»life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 Empty Re: »life is better when you're smiling {pvt}

Mensaje por believe. Lun 26 Ago 2013, 11:16 am

¿Habrá chicas en el foro que sean harmonizers? *-* digo, que realmente las amen, no que las sigan sólo por moda »life is better when you're smiling {pvt} - Página 4 2278276204 

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Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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