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don't fuck with my love

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YIE - don't fuck with my love - Página 7 Empty Re: don't fuck with my love

Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:29 pm

Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon - Uma Thurman
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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:30 pm

Aquarius: + independent, sociable, rebellious
- unreliable, detached, restless


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:39 pm

Aquarius moon - Likes: Quirky people/things, observing, being different. Dislikes: Possessive people, feeling misunderstood.


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:40 pm



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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:52 pm

My moon sign: Aquarius
Original, knowledgeable, competent, has strong opinions. Likes freedom, enjoys reading. Hates mediocrity and incompetence.
In many life situations, the Moon in Aquarius people have their own, distinct and sometimes very original opinion, and they are not going to change this opinion no matter what, even if they will be left completely alone. It is very important for these individuals to retain their independence. They don’t want their personal life to be anybody else’s concern.
Often the Moon in Aquarius individuals have some outstanding abilities in one or another field, and they work like a magnet for those people who share their interests. This is why so often they take a central place in the company of like-minded friends. And even there they somehow manage to keep their uniqueness. They are not mixing well with the other people, they are together with them, but still alone.
As a result of their character, quite often the Moon in Aquarius folks can become really alone in their personal life, and their constant urge for independence can lead to chronic emotionall stress. Hence their susceptibility to the disorders of nervous and circulatory systems, as also those unpredictable changes in their mood. There is an impression that at times they are getting tired of themselves, and to get rid of this tiredness they are trying to change abruptly, as if to become a different person.
To restore after a significant stress, the Moon in Aquarius persons need to have a hobby which they could plunge themselves into, forgetting about the surrounding world. It would be really good for them if they could speak out their problems, but this is not so easy, because Lunar Aquarians do not like to just chat with anyone about anything. They prefer dealing with experts in their field of interest - this is with whom they are ready to talk endlessly. And if there is no such a person around, a good book could serve as a replacement for a friend.
The Moon in Aquarius parents can be very original. From the early years they will make clear to their child that everyone’s individuality is precious, and everyone should be independent. As a result, their kids might not be always properly fed or dressed, but they will become self-reliant earlier than their peers, and their talents will develop more successfully.


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:54 pm

The "best booty" squad
AQUARIUS, Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Leo & Sagittarius
The "I should be in that squad" squad
Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:55 pm

Ages the Signs lose their Virginity
Taurus: 26

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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 5:57 pm

the signs driving
aries:"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU SACK OF SHIT IM TRYING TO TURN LEFT" <--- mi mamita es aries, y debo decir que es igual, wn YIE - don't fuck with my love - Página 7 2998878722
taurus: eats a burger and clips their nails at the same time <--- io
gemini:"did they just cut me off...lmao ok" <--- papá


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 6:00 pm

What your moon sign means
Aquarius: sexual

wTF????¿¿¿¡¡¡?????¡?¡¡??''¿¿¿¿ LMAOOOOO
ya wna


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 6:15 pm

HP Zodiac: Moon Signs
Aquarius: Sirius Black
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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 6:18 pm

Moon in Aquarius: Emotionally scattered. Your feelings usually appear in electric bursts or you can go through periods of feeling “nothing”. Even at your most emotional, discussing your feelings is never your idea of a fun time, as emotions can seem very messy to you. Quirky and zany would describe you well. You take pride in your ability to be a good friend and try to make your life choices based what’s best for the other people in your life. Pursue your interests and dreams– they’re valid. You have a sarcastic, off-the-wall sense of humor and you probably spend an ungodly amount of time on the computer/phone/electronics.


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 7:53 pm

Enneagram type 5 - The Investigator (5w6): Thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe.
People of this personality type essentially fear that they don't have enough inner strength to face life, so they tend to withdraw, to retreat into the safety and security of the mind where they can mentally prepare for their emergence into the world. Fives feel comfortable and at home in the realm of thought. They are generally intelligent, well read and thoughtful and they frequently become experts in the areas that capture their interest. While they are sometimes scientifically oriented, especially with the Six wing, just as many Fives are drawn to the humanities and it is not at all uncommon for Fives to have artistic inclinations. Fives are often a bit eccentric; they feel little need to alter their beliefs to accommodate majority opinion, and they refuse to compromise their freedom to think just as they please. The problem for Fives is that while they are comfortable in the realm of thought, they are frequently a good deal less comfortable when it comes to dealing with their emotions, the demands of a relationship, or the need to find a place for themselves in the world. Fives tend to be shy, nonintrusive, independent and reluctant to ask for the help that others might well be happy to extend to them.
Fives are sensitive; they don't feel adequately defended against the world. To compensate for their sensitivity, Fives sometimes adopt an attitude of careless indifference or intellectual arrogance, which has the unfortunate consequence of creating distance between themselves and others. Trying to bridge the distance can be difficult for Fives, as they are seldom comfortable with their social skills, but when they do manage it, they are often devoted friends and life long companions.
Fives are usually somewhat restrained when it comes to emotional expression, but they often have stronger feelings than they let on. Few people know what is going on beneath the surface, as Fives have an often exaggerrated need for privacy and a deep seated fear of intrusion. Because of their sensitivity and their fears of inadequacy, Fives fear being overwhelmed, either by the demands of others or by the strength of their own emotions. They sometimes deal with this by developing a minimalistic lifestyle in which they make few demands on others in exchange for few demands being made on them. Other Fives make their peace with the messiness of life and engage it more fully, but they almost always retain their fears that life is somehow going to demand more of them than they can deliver.
Fives, especially with the Four wing, sometimes mistype themselves as Fours. Such Fives recognize that they have strong emotions and don't identify with the often extremely cerebral portrait of type Five. But, Fives, unlike Fours, always retain some degree of discomfort when it comes to the expression of their emotional states. However much facility they may gain with it, the language of emotion is not their native tongue.


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 8:10 pm

Overview of 5w6: The Problem Solver.
This subtype is the one that has been most often associated with Fives – the intellectual who is interested in science, technology, acquiring facts and details. Fives with a Six-wing are the “analysts” and “catalogers” of their environments; they are problem solvers and excel at dissecting the components of a problem or thing to discover how it works. The traits of the Five and those of the Six-wing combine to produce one of the most “difficult” of the personality types to contact intimately or to sustain a relationship with. Both components, the Five and the Six, are in the Thinking Triad, and Fives with a Six-wing are perhaps the most intellectual of all the subtypes. They also tend to be more disengaged from their feelings than Fives with a Four-wing. Persons of this subtype have problems trusting others, both because they are essentially Fives and because the Six-wing reinforces anxiety, making any kind of risk-taking in relationships difficult. However the comping mechanisms of the Five and Six are somewhat at odds, creating an inner tension between the two components. Fives find security by withdrawing from others while Sixes find security by working cooperatively with others. Hence, their interpersonal relations are erratic and in general are not an important part of their lives. Noteworthy examples of this subtype include Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Sigmund Freud, Simone Weil, Jacob Bronowski, Charles Darwin, Edward O. Wilson, Karl Marx, James Watson, Ursula K. LeGuin, Alfred Hitchcock, Doris Lessing, Cynthia Ozick, Bobby Fischer, B. F. Skinner, Isaac Asimov, Howard Hughes, Ezra Pound, and Theodore Kaczynski.
Healthy people of this subtype are more extroverted and focused on the external world than Fives with a Four-wing. They are not particularly introspective, preferring to observe and understand the world around them. Healthy Fives with a Six-wing observe the world with extraordinary clarity, combining the Five's drive for mastery with the Six's quest for certainty. The result is a gift for drawing meaningful conclusions from disparate facts, and an ability to make predictions based on those conclusions. They are often drawn to technical subjects, engineering, science, and philosophy, as well as inventing and repair work. The Six-wing gives this subtype a greater ability to cooperate with others and to bring a disciplined, persistent approach to their endeavors. There is more sufficient talent, Fives with a Six-wing can combine their innovation with business savvy, sometimes with very lucrative results. Their attention is more often directed at objects than at people although they identify strongly with key people in their lives. They may feel things deeply, but are extremely restrained in their emotional expression. In them we find an intellectual playfulness, a good sense of humor, as well as other attractive, loveable qualities. If others have been tested and permitted to come closer, they discover that people of this subtype have a deep capacity for friendship and commitment. There is also an endearing element in their desire to be accepted by others, and even if they are sometimes socially clumsy, others cannot help but be touched by their eagerness to reach out to people.
However, average persons of this subtype generally have problems with relationships. The Six-wing provides good organizational abilities and and endearing personal quality, but also adds to the Fives' anxiety and fearfulness. They don not see to know what to do with their feelings, much less how to express them directly. Hence we find an insensitivity to their own feelings and emotional needs, as well as to the feelings and emotional needs of others. They have little awareness about how they communicate themselves to others. (They are the classic intellectual nerd, the socially inept oddball.) Average Fives with a Six-wing can become extremely preoccupied, theoretical, and absent-minded. They are totally wrapped up with intellectual pursuits and live completely in their minds, immersing themselves in their work to the exclusion of everything else. When interpersonal conflicts arise, average Fives with a Six-wing avoid resolving problems by burying themselves even more deeply in their intellectual work, and by employing passive-aggressive techniques, putting off people and problems rather than dealing with them directly. They can be rebellious and argumentative for no apparent reason, although something may have touched off unconscious emotional associations. Fives with a Six-wing tend to cling more tenaciously to their views and theories (reductionism) and to antagonize people who disagree with them, whereas Fives with a Four-wing tend to reject all meaning (nihilism) and to disturb the certainty of people who seem insecure.
Unhealthy people of this subtype tend to be suspicious of people and to have counterphobic, contentious, and volatile reactions to others. They are extremely fearful of intimacy of any sort and can be highly unstable, with paranoid tendencies. Unconsciously seeking rescue, they also fearfully reject and antagonize their supporters. The isolation and mental distortion we see in unhealthy Fives are reinforced by the Six-wing's paranoia, inferiority, feelings and conviction of being persecuted. Neurotic Fives with a Six-wing ultimately become extremely phobic, projecting dangers everywhere while retreating from all social interaction. They may lash out at imagined enemies, and sometimes with lethal results. Psychotic breaks and madness are possible.


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 8:59 pm

Luna Lovegood did not confront and suffer at the hands of death eaters for Ravenclaw to be a house of smart snobs

Cedric Diggory did not die for Hufflepuff to be a forgotten house of under appreciated witches and wizards

Regulus Black did not sacrifice himself for Slytherin to be condemned as the house from which all evil and selfish wizards and witches come from

Peter Pettigrew did not sell out his long-had friends to Lord Voldemort for Gryffindor to become the golden house wherein no one can do wrong


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Mensaje por Invitado Miér 26 Ago 2015, 9:05 pm

Eso, mierda. YIE - don't fuck with my love - Página 7 1459606234


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