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» witches of own
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyVie 14 Jun 2024, 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyJue 13 Jun 2024, 8:29 am por MickyEche

» pink + white
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyMiér 12 Jun 2024, 5:09 am por indigo.

» air nation
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 8:24 pm por hange.

» Live In Orange
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 12:30 pm por ~Susie ∞Wallflower∞

» Our colors are grey and blue
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyLun 10 Jun 2024, 12:15 am por Jaeger.

» memories
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyDom 09 Jun 2024, 10:00 pm por hange.

» dancing in the moonlight
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptyDom 09 Jun 2024, 7:34 pm por Jaeger.

» trainwreck
You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 EmptySáb 08 Jun 2024, 5:25 pm por Jaeger.


00 . 01 Anuncios del mes febrero.
00 . 02 Actualización del PROTOCOLO, nueva medida obligatoria de avatares.
00 . 03 Remodelación del foro febrero del 2017.
00 . 00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Skin hecho por Hardrock de Captain Knows Best. Personalización del skin por Insxne.

Gráficos por y codes hechos por Kaffei e Insxne.

You make noise, I make sandwiches.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:12 am

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:38 am

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:44 am

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 9:15 am


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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 2:05 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 3:06 pm

[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]
Liam barely thinks before he leans down to kiss Zayn, their mouths pressed firm together. Zayn gasps when Liam rolls his hips again, blunt fingernails digging into Liam’s back. Zayn’s mouth is hot against his while they kiss with more fervor, and Liam’s cock is hardening quickly where it’s pressed against Zayn’s hip.
Zayn brings his hand back towards Liam’s front, his fingers traveling up the short hem of the crop top. He traces down Liam’s chest and abs before coming to rest on the elastic of his joggers.

 “Can I -?”
 “Please,” Liam moans, and Zayn doesn’t hesitate in pushing down his sweats and pants until they’re halfway down Liam’s thighs.
Liam lifts his arms to pull on the collar of his top, trying to take it off, but Zayn stops him. “Leave it on,” he says.
Liam doesn’t have time to argue because Zayn moves his hand down to grasp the base of his prick. If Liam thought it felt good to have Zayn’s hand on his thigh or back, it’s nothing compared to how it feels on his cock.
The first few tugs are a bit too dry, but it gets better when Zayn rolls down Liam’s foreskin, revealing the leaking head. He uses Liam’s precome to reduce the friction, and it only takes a few more strokes until Liam’s coming with a shudder, come splashing against both their stomachs.
Liam has to close his eyes for a few seconds, his face buried in Zayn’s shoulder as he takes a few calming breaths.
“Zayn that was -”
“Liam, as much as I’d love to hear what that was, I’m about to get myself off if you don’t -”
Liam curses, pulling down Zayn’s trackies before he can get another word out. His cock is hard, leaking and curving prettily towards his belly. Zayn lets out a small whine when Liam gets a hand on him and gives a few experimental strokes. Liam finds his rhythm quickly, Zayn bucking into his hand a few times before he comes with a soft groan. His come lands mostly on Liam’s bare stomach, some staining the bottom hem of Liam’s top.
The two of them lie there for a couple minutes, sticky and wet and absolutely spent. Liam’s beginning to feel a little bit disgusting, but he also can’t get himself to move either.
— Everything On You Intoxicates - sunshinexbomb.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 3:16 pm

Lo de ella es algo serio, es peor en cautiverio.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 3:18 pm


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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:14 pm

Quiero que me rompas el hocico a chupetazos.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:15 pm

Quiero que me sometas y amarres de los brazos.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:16 pm

Y quiero que me dejes todo el cuerpo hecho pedazos.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:18 pm

Y quiero rozarte, acariciarte con mis labios…

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:19 pm

Pezón contra pezón, o abrazados de cuchara, embonados con tu cara frente a mí.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:21 pm

Y a través de tus ojitos rasgados que son de tu alma la puerta, pa colarme y rascarte la parte de tu cerebro poeta.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty

Mensaje por JenniPritchard Sáb 21 Jun 2014, 8:23 pm

Y diseño una caricia a suaves trazos, y lo aplico con cariño y sientas bien rico, con mordidas y besitos afrodisiacos, tu eres mi amor, mi inspiración.

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You make noise, I make sandwiches. - Página 12 Empty Re: You make noise, I make sandwiches.

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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