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» —Hot clown shit
SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones EmptyAyer a las 8:25 pm por Jigsaw

» too young, too dumb
SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones EmptySáb 22 Jun 2024, 11:22 am por darkbrowneyes

» pink pony club.
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» corazón valiente
SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 11:01 pm por Jaeger.

» la la land
SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones EmptyMiér 19 Jun 2024, 9:44 pm por Jaeger.

» witches of own
SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones EmptyVie 14 Jun 2024, 5:02 am por indigo.

» becauseiloveyou
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» pink + white
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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Miér 03 Abr 2013, 4:27 pm

Nombre:SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & ____ Jones
Autor: Harryet y Victoria Sanderson
Adaptacion: ninguna (None)
Genero: Romance, Comedia, Suspenso (Romance, Comedy, Suspense
advertencias: sin contenido sexual ; esta en ingles y no subire muy seguido si Dios lo quiere subire todos los sabados (no sexual content; its in English and i will not upload every day, if god wants it i will upload every sathurday)
otras paginas:youtube quiza ya q ahi hace sus videos (maybe youtube 'cause there is were he upload his videos)

Última edición por Harryet&VictoriaS el Miér 03 Abr 2013, 6:28 pm, editado 1 vez

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Miér 03 Abr 2013, 4:35 pm

im not gonna whrite any Prologue 'cause i dont wrote it and i really want to uploas te first chapter

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Vie 05 Abr 2013, 3:20 pm

i think nobody likes this idea and it really hurts but well i cannot do anything or i will f*ck it up cause in a f*ck up

ha! tomorrow i will upload the chapter ok?? love ya!!!

I WANT NO GHOSTS :fuckya: ,or this will happen to you!!! :muere: :maloso: and later Smiley will go after you!!!

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Vie 05 Abr 2013, 3:49 pm

ahh i want readers f*ck!! bye im going to jump of a bridge #okno but im mad at all i just have one reader in my other fic i mean chit (thats how my mom say it) it hurts :lloro: but i love you the ones that does read it and want to coment but they cant or something love ya and knowing that someone could read this fic pouts me happy 🍌 yeah i dont know why the banana is here

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Vie 05 Abr 2013, 3:59 pm

it seems i will have to upload today!!!!

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty 1 Chapter

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Vie 05 Abr 2013, 6:06 pm

listen while yu read

_____'S Point of view...

So there i was,on the brink of the abyss, under a morning rain, i wasnt cold, no i wasnt any cold i was just expecting the crash, i keeped my eyes closed 'cause i knew that if i get to open them i will regret of everything, i really didnt wanted to open the eyes but i wanted to see what was going to happen every second that i do it, but suddenty somethisng happened
-Dont do it!-that was Jason my brother, his scream got me out of my thoughts and made me open my eyes whyle i keep a scream
-Why i should?-
-'Cause you know it wasnt your foult-
-AND HOW DO YOU KNOW IT??? HOW DO YOU CAN KNOW ABOUT SOMETHING THAT YOU DIDNT LIVED???-the last word hurted more everytime i said it, i had lived the suicide of my Boyfriend, how they spected that i get to let it go if he was my life??-Tell me how?-in that moment the only thing that made me know that i was crying was the pain that i felt all over my mouth and somewere o my chest , it felt like my heart were leaving my body, all my tears were erased by the rain, old friend of my sadness nights
-You're wright i cannot know- i smiled happily cause i had won while i was looking down decided to jump but......-And you less-he already had called to the 911 and they had everything ready in fact that pissed me offi thougth in jump equals i was going to survive but i couldnt
-come on pkease dont jump, everything is going to be alright i swear-
-sorry but in some cases i really dont know what to say- suddently the air in my lungs was ending and i couldnt breath, then everything turned blurred

Jason's point of view

she fainted i get to grab her that gas good and i huged her
-everything will be alrigth i swear-

now hear this whyle you read
______'s Point of View

the next day were all like the same but no because my failed suicide atempt instead was for the constat help of my brother even when nothing worked out he knew that been to psycologist was like beein claustrphoboc and play 7 minutes in heaven at the same time , yes i know!but one day he came with an idea very crazy
-_____ you've never seen anything of Shane Dawson???-
-I have heard about him but really i was never intereted in watch them-
-whatch them-
-Just do it 4me-in that second he made a face that scared the f*ck out of me so much that i had to say yes to him to stop doing it
-ok but dont do that face ever again ok???
-ok, great!-

and that was i hope do you like it and im going to leave you with the superluv video
i "superuv" you all :(L): :enamorado:
🍌 i dont know why the banana keeps showing

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Sáb 06 Abr 2013, 4:26 pm

who wants the sathurday chapter?????

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Dom 14 Abr 2013, 1:42 pm

really no one likes it ???? not even forever alone ????? really????? :lloro: :imdead:

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Dom 14 Abr 2013, 2:03 pm

im going to leave for a while withmy favorite video of shane

love you all....xx :(L):

___: i want to rape you creepygusta
Shane: what do you just said?
____:i said that i want to see you
Shane: but we are texting
____: yes is my Iphone that correts all
Shane: But you have a Nokia!!!!
____: :pokerface:

hahaha :jojojo: im funny right???? 🍌

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Sabaku No Saara Lun 15 Abr 2013, 4:20 pm

Sabaku No Saara
Sabaku No Saara

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Lun 22 Abr 2013, 4:59 pm

geniaaaaal new reader y si puedes escribir en ingles igual soy bilingue pero calm down miss im latina!!!! hahahaha 🍌 enserio xq sigue apareciendo la banana???????

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Sabaku No Saara Lun 22 Abr 2013, 7:50 pm

Porque la banana es lo máximo? Jajajaj
Sabaku No Saara
Sabaku No Saara

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Vie 02 Ago 2013, 10:18 pm

si la banana manda:banana:

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Sabaku No Saara Sáb 03 Ago 2013, 1:21 am

Sii jajaja cuando la sigues? :)
Sabaku No Saara
Sabaku No Saara

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SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones Empty Re: SUPERLUV - Shane Dawson & _____ Jones

Mensaje por Harryet&VictoriaS Lun 12 Ago 2013, 8:55 pm

ya la sigo

http://ig : @crazyass_a.r.m.y_cat @lgbt.bilingual

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